Monday, May 17, 2010


Ok, this could get messy as I try to explain my way of thinking which by the way is constantly changing. I am aware that I am thinking. What does that say? Any how, read on.

What defines us? What represents us?

I have had several conversations lately where these question were put forth. A little background is in order.

So my latest endeavor in simplifying my life is my want of ridding myself of major possessions. Sounds crazy, huh? That's what I keep hearing. I'm giving my bed away to my mother and my living room furniture to my sister. Why you might be asking yourself would I do this? Well, that's not what they asked me. My mother asked if she should be worried and if there was something I wasn't telling her. My sister asked if I was going to off myself, because that's apparently what folks do when the start giving their stuff away. My answer was simple. I want to be able to mobilize in a moments notice and not be tied down by anything I can't travel with. If the right opportunity presents itself I may not have long to act and need to be ready to go. Besides all of this, I said that my bed is terribly uncomfortable to me and I've wanted to get rid of it since I got it. As for my living room furniture, well it too has become a burden on my back and a really big pain in the ass to arrange. Less is more. I told my sister that I've been considering getting rid of them anyways and getting a small recliner or hammock chair. It's all about portability for me. My sister is visiting this weekend and I intend to send her home with a ton of stuff.
I also want to explain that my stuff doesn't define me. Hell, it doesn't really even represent me. I look around at my apartment. My walls have photos that I took from Alaska, paintings and drawings I've done, and a few maps and flags. These things fall closer to the representing category. It's the same reason I don't have a tattoo. I don't want someone else's ideas and expressions on my body. If I ever do get a tattoo, it will be one that I create and I think that better defines what it means to represent oneself. We are represented by what we create. Think about it. Are you truly represented by a shirt or car designed by someone else? Are those your ideas made real? What about your stuff? Does it represent you and your ideas? Do those things...your stuff define you? Is your trophy room all the stuff you have bought? Do you identify yourself with your stuff? What about your job? Does this define you, represent you? Look this may be a bit philosophical but I am of the mind set that I am defined by my actions, by the life I live and not by things or by a job. I am a unique and creative being, not some lost soul acting as a billboard for others.

I've gone off on a tangent. Super. I think you can get what I am saying.

We can delve deeper...

Let's look briefly at attachment, because most folks are highly attached to their stuff that they believe defines or represents them.

Ok, here is some Star Wars insight that can add light to this. Yes I know it's fiction but there is a valid lesson here.
Yoda said: "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

There is much truth in this. Is your life worth what you are attached to? If someone was holding a gun to your head would you give them your home? Your car? Your wallet? Or would you fight and perhaps die trying to keep these things?

I guess that I have incorporated some Taoist or Buddhist philosophies in my life and way of thinking but I find them to be valid.

Everything changes. Everything is impermanent. It is our attempt to attach ourselves to impermanent things, and gain happiness thereby, that guarantees and perpetuates suffering. ~Gerald Grow

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