Thursday, March 3, 2011


I've been busy. It's true. I've gotten back into genealogy as well as doing some projects for some friends. So between that and other research projects I've been too busy to notice that it's March already. It's crazy. What the hell happened to January and February? I mean they should have drug on seeing as how there was ton of snow and ice dumped on the central Ohio area and the temps were frigid to say the least. Apparently none of this was enough to make me take notice the speed of which the days were moving. I have also started or restarted I should say, making summer plans. I was thinking about Europe but I don't think the money is going to be there unless I choose a single destination like the Emerald Isle. Either way it looks less and less like that will occur. I'm also toying with the idea of taking no trip or vacation and saving my cash for a move out west. I just don't know. I've got a lot of ideas swirling around in the ol' brain but as is always the case, I never see them to fruition. My thoughts have been surprisingly clear in regards to the future. I have a "get the hell out or be stuck forever" mentality going on. This in return lights a fire under my ass. Yes, I know what you are saying or thinking...I've talk about this shit for going on several years. Perhaps that's why I don't post on here as much. Everything I say has been said so what's the point? The options are there I just have to have the bullocks to see them through.

I actually have much to tell but will have to either update an unfinished post or create a new post altogether at another time. I can say that I had a surprise birthday party thrown for me by bestest friends and I got a new laptop free, from Google. Also, I didn't wake up rich or thin this morning so that would be it for now.


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