Sunday, June 13, 2010


I watched The Cove tonight. It is just one of many documentaries that I have seen lately. I'm really disturbed. I'm sickened by what I see. Even now, I am at a loss to find the words to express how I feel. It appears that we are not as intelligent of a species as we might think. We are greedy and irreverent when it comes to our world. We are committing suicide and are too dumb to realize it. We exploit everything around us for our own gain and greed. The earth has provided us with everything we need to survive yet we continue to tip the scales and unbalance the equation. There is a balance in nature that we do not respect. We assume that nothing is as intelligent as us. We assume there will be no consequences for our actions. We have a mentality that it won't affect us. In part it won't affect us, but our children.

Question. When you look at your children do you see hope? Can we raise a generation that appreciates and wants to protect our world? Are we providing our children with a death sentence with no chance to appeal?

We are so arrogant. We are so lazy, me included. If I wasn't so lazy or such a puss, I would be on the front lines trying to make the changes I so desperately want to see.

So what can I do? I'm just one person so what difference can I make? Those are the questions millions including myself ask everyday. My answer? Be the change. Teach your children respect of this's the only one we have. If our planet dies so too do we. Be aware. Know that every purchase, every drive, every piece of electronic device, every action contributes to something. We are responsible. Do you want unmodified, non-chemically poisoned food? Buy organic. Send a message as a consumer. Want to end slave labor? Buy fair traded goods from reputable merchants. Want to end the needless suffering of animals? Become vegan.

So it all sounds extreme and impossible, right? Maybe, but maybe not. I'm not saying to completely dismantle you're entire lifestyle and run around naked only eating food stuffs that you grow. What I'm saying is be aware of what you are doing. Know how your habits effect our world. The difference between me and most folks is that I KNOW what I'm doing. I'm responsible. I don't claim ignorance. I'm not living the example I would want to set for my own children, if I had any but I'm trying and that my friends is a start.

"Even the longest journey must begin where you stand." ~Lao-tzu

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